Payment Progress of Lumi Hanoi - Latest Update

The latest update on the payment progress of Lumi Hanoi provides a comprehensive view of this promising real estate project. Check now to get the most accurate and complete view to make an informed investment decision.

Latest Information on Payment Progress of Lumi Hanoi

In today's modern life, investing in real estate is not only a major decision but also a challenge for many people. With the rapid development of the real estate market, keeping up-to-date with information on the payment progress of projects has become more important than ever. In this context, updating the latest information on the payment progress of the Lumi Hanoi project not only provides a comprehensive view of the project's progress but also helps investors and customers have the most accurate and complete view to make smart decisions. Let's take a look at the latest information on the payment progress of Lumi Hanoi for a clear understanding and to make appropriate decisions.

Standard Payment Progress of Lumi Hanoi

The standard payment progress of Lumi Hanoi focuses not only on payment but also on ensuring the quality of work through strict control mechanisms and progress monitoring. This helps build trust and satisfaction among all parties involved, from investors to partners and contractors.

With the assurance of transparency, fairness, and no duplication in the payment process, the standard payment program of Lumi Hanoi is not only an important step but also a highlight for the professionalism and reputation of this project in the current real estate market.

payment progress of Lumi Hanoi


Payment Phase

Estimated Payment Deadline

Estimated Payment Value

Deposit Confirmation

100,000,000 VND


Phase 1

Within 14 days from the date of deposit confirmation

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 2

Within 14 days from the date of signing the sales contract (Estimated October 2024)

15% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 3

No later than January 31, 2025

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 4

No later than April 30, 2025

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 5

No later than July 31, 2025

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 6

No later than October 31, 2025

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 7

No later than January 31, 2026

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 8

No later than April 30, 2026

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 9

Within 14 days from the date of apartment handover notification

45% of the apartment sale price + 2% maintenance fee

Phase 10

Within 14 days from the date of land use rights certificate issuance

5% of the apartment sale price

Fast Payment Program of Lumi Hanoi

Payment Phase

Estimated Payment Deadline

Estimated Payment Value

Deposit Confirmation

100,000,000 VND


Phase 1

Within 14 days from the date of deposit confirmation

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 2

Within 14 days from the date of signing the sales contract

15% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 3

No later than November 30, 2024

30% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 4

Within 14 days from the date of apartment handover notification

45% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Phase 5

Within 14 days from the date of land use rights certificate issuance

5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT)

Supported Interest Payment Program

After depositing 100 million VND, phases 1, 2, 6, and 7 follow the standard and fast payment programs at 5%, 15%, 45%, and 5% of the apartment sale price (including VAT) respectively. For phases 3, 4, and 5, customers pay 10% of the apartment sale price (including VAT) and the bank will disburse no later than the estimated payment date.

To update the latest information on the payment progress of Lumi Hanoi, please follow our website or contact us via the hotline:

  • Website:
  • Hotline: 0986.720.720
  • Add: 39B Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho, Ha Noi

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