Apartment for rent with only 9m, price Helios apartment, 75 Tam Trinh, MTG

Need to rent apartment Helios, s = 80m, 2pn, 2wc, pk and kitchen, original price 7m. Add kitchen cabinets, water heaters. Price 7.5 million If equipped with air conditioner, price 8 million. Fully furnished, just bring your suitcase in, including full television, refrigerator, washing machine, bed, wardrobe, air conditioner, dining table, sofa, bowl and chopsticks for 9 million VND. Apartment 100m, 3 bedrooms, no furniture. Price 8.5 million. basic furniture, air conditioner, kitchen cabinets, water heater. Price 9 mil. Full suit just need to bring suitcase and clothes in. Price 10-11 million.
Marble floor
Wood floor